About Us

A Few Words

About Us

Spreadwell is a leading construction contractor in Ireland, specialising in Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency. As one of the largest installers of SEAI grant-aided insulation works, we are dedicated to providing top-notch services for homes and businesses, to ensure they become more energy-efficient and comfortable.

Founded in 2001, we have an enviable record in the construction sector, and worked with Ireland's leading main contractors to deliver exceptional projects that adhere to the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

The Spreadwell logo - All about us!

As an Irish company, Spreadwell takes pride in supporting local businesses. We are committed to sourcing our materials from Irish suppliers, contributing to job growth and economic sustainability within Ireland.

Our team of skilled professionals listens to your needs and offers tailored solutions that maximise the benefits of sustainable development and energy-efficient practices. As a registered insulation contractor with SEAI, we adhere to the latest industry standards and best practices, guaranteeing reliable and cost-effective solutions.

Logo for SEAI-approved contractor

Spreadwell's team is driven by a passion for creating comfortable and sustainable living and working environments. Our dedication to customer satisfaction, along with genuine testimonials from our satisfied clients, reflects our commitment to excellence and the trust our clients place in our capabilities.

Choose Spreadwell for reliable, efficient, and sustainable solutions that enhance your property's value and comfort. Get in touch with us today for an in-depth consultation or to learn more about us and take the first step towards a greener and more energy-efficient future.

The Spreadwell logo - All about us!
Logo for SEAI-approved contractor

SEAI Grants

Exciting news! If you qualify for an SEAI grant, we have an exclusive offer for you. We deduct the value of your grant from your bill immediately, saving you money right from the start. It's our way of making the conversion process even more accessible and rewarding for you.

Why we do what we do

Mission Statement

Empowering sustainable development and energy efficiency for homes and businesses in Ireland

High Quality Remodeling at a Reasonable Cost

Empowering sustainable development and energy efficiency for homes and businesses in Ireland, Spreadwell is committed to providing the very best services and solutions, supporting local businesses—while delivering exceptional projects—with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction.